Recommendations for running in production

There are special considerations to take into account when running Stardust in production. This guide will help you understand the best practices for running Stardust in production.

Process manager

It is recommended to use a process manager to run Stardust in production. You can use something like pm2 or just a systemd service. This will ensure that Stardust is always running and will automatically restart if it crashes.


To use pm2, first install it globally:

pnpm i -g pm2

Then start Stardust with pm2. You can prepend the port env before the command:

pm2 start "pnpm start" --name stardust


To use systemd, create a service file at /etc/systemd/system/stardust.service:

Description=Stardust SystemD service
# If postgres is running as a service as well as docker
After=docker.service postgresql.service
# Where GitHub repository is cloned
# might be different, run `which pnpm`
ExecStart=/usr/bin/pnpm start
# Useful for docker installations
ExecStartPre=docker start stardust-postgres
# pnpm install directory might make you set the user to root
# Use for setting runtime env such as port

After this, add this to the .gitconfig of the user the service is running as:

	directory = /home/ubuntu/stardust

Then reload the systemd daemon and start and enable the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable stardust
sudo systemctl start stardust

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